Friday, November 21, 2008

Big Green Year!

I know that the economy is in the tank and things are challenging for many people around the planet right now... but I've just returned from the RECYCLING SUMMIT in Point Clear Alabama and wow was it refreshing. It's amazing how businesses have caught on to the concept that stuff that is recycled is cheaper to manufacture and that cost savings is driving the recycling market right now. There were only a few curbside recycling programs twenty years ago... guess what? There are just under 9000 US curbside recycling programs in operation today. There is much movement on the business side of recycling these days. In the coming months... watch for the Coca-Cola Recycles campaign. They've made a committment to try and help get recycled content they can put it in their drink bottles and cans. That's pretty exciting right? I like it. When business gets on board... things really start to happen. Woohoo!

Financial Crisis Government Fundraising

You know things are bad in the financial market when cities resort to renting street signs out :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

We Can Solve It

We can solve it. Moving the globe towards a sustainable future has always been one of my favorite things to work on. It actually makes complete sense to me... nature has no waste... all systems are closed. Build economic systems that work with ecologic systems and you've really got something exciting to build on. I'm going to plug in another COMPACT FLEURESCENT light bulb in my office right now.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kids First Endorsement

Great News! Our video KIDS MAKING BETTER CHOICES has been officially endorsed by the national kid friendly vetting organization KIDS FIRST. We received the news yesterday. It's an honor to be endorsed by yet another national organization... particularly a kid oriented one. We hope endorsement will get the word out to more kids that making good eating and exercise choices can be fun and magical. Much more information to come.