Sunday, November 4, 2018


GOT KIDS? Got GRANDKIDS? Well LISTEN UP... All our kids live in a multi-faceted-interconnected-digital-global-world. There's simply no choice. That's just HOW it is. Several episodes of STEVE TRASH SCIENCE (my new kids science show) will be about the science of "the digital world". We'll address how kids can be "safe" in the digital world. We'll address how to be "kind" in the digital world. It's important because... your kids.... your grandkids... live in a digital world. Whether you like it or not, they are digital citizens (if you're reading this... so are you). The rules for safety and kindness and responsibility in this digital world are challenging for us "non-natives" to understand... nonetheless.... in this NEW world, we must be stressing kindness, safety, responsibility and more. How can kids learn to be safe and kind and smart in the digital world? Digitally... of course! Google has created a game that kids can play and it rewards good digital citizenry. We'll be doing several episodes of my APT + PBS TV science show on these themes. Until then... play this game. Share this game with your kids. They'll have fun. You'll have fun. We'll all be better digital citizens. Now... go and be good. Be amazing. Don't be mean.

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