Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jane Velez-Mitchell and Plastic Bottles

Jane Velez-Mitchel of CNN & Headline News asked me last week if I thought stopping the purchase of plastic bottles was the best idea to prevent them from getting into our oceans. I responded, "I think that making sure the bottles we purchase gets recycled AND that recycled content from those bottles is continually added into a closed loop of new products is actually the best idea.  If the recycled material is used over and over and over again (whether it's plastic, paper, aluminum, steel, cardboard, glass, or other) and not allowed to escape into the environment as pollution or waste - that seems to me to be our smartest natural resource use choice."  That's how the earth does it.  And... if it's good enough for Mother Nature... it's good enough for me.  By the way, Jane and her entire video/producer crew in New York City were really cool to work with.  Nice.