Monday, June 18, 2012

Powered By The Sun

Since I began my professional career as an Ecological Entertainer (way back in 1984),  I've wanted to use the suns energy to provide the electricity I've needed for all my creative endeavors.  Thanks to advances in solar energy technology, and my ability to save some cash, it looks like that dream is about to be "made concrete".   The home of Concrete Dream Incorporated - producer of green content (eco-shows & sustainability keynote talks) for the planet - will now be even greener because our energy will now be renewable (it's coming from the sun)!  Isn't that amazing! Here is a photo of the freshly dug trench that will transfer the electricity captured by a TenKSolar RAIS WAVE PV system to my house.  Cool huh?  We begin installing the system on Friday.

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