It's been a very long and very enjoyable trek. It's been over two years from conception to the CD, and we're now - only a few days away - from the national release of THE TRASH TUNES - Green Songs 4 Cool Kids and Grownups. All the songs were written by professional musician Kelvin Holly and myself. How did that happen you might ask? One day, Steve Trash went to visit his friend Kelvin Holly. Kelvin was recording music at the famous Muscle Shoals Sound Studios along the banks of the Tennessee River. As Steve watched the "magic" of live music being recorded, he was struck with an idea. There should be an album of "great green songs" that both kids and grownups can dig. Too many times, kids' music is mind-numbingly silly or just plain-old horrible. After the session was finished, Steve shared this idea with Kelvin, and over the next year or two (they both tour extensively), they put this album together. Going for great music with great green ideas that are fun and inspiring to listen to...
THE TRASH TUNES were created. I'm really proud of this album and hope that everyone loves it as much as I do. It's fun. It's inspirational. It's Green. It will be available on
CD Baby, and on my web site
www.stevetrash.com/music.html Tuesday October 1, 2013. Check it out! And thanks for your support.
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