My thoughts on FINDING YOUR LIGHT BULB, kids, recycling, sustainability, funny stuff, science, ecology, being green, touring, magic, solar power, the environment, business, STEM, and a really nice long walks in the woods.
Christmas Tree 1996. Wayback in the day 1996–ish we (the Art Goddess and I) chose to have a live Christmas tree in our home at Frog Pond Manor. We decorated it. We lit it. We put gifts under it. We watered it. Then after the first of the year… we took it to the front yard and planted it. All these years later - approximately 22 years - it’s lasted and lasted and lasted (it's 45 + feet tall) but, nature has finally run its course and it has died. Thank you beautiful Christmas Tree for all of the years of shade, beauty, oxygen, and being a home for countless blue birds. And... thanks for the magic. It was much appreciated. #magic #christmastree#sweethomealabama#stevetrash#bluebird#nature#beauty#grateful #tree
I breathed a BIG HUGE sigh of relief yesterday afternoon... As Andrew (my prop master) and I unloaded the last prop box into storage at FROG POND MANOR, a beautiful thought came to me. All the raw footage for 20 episodes of STEVE TRASH SCIENCE are officially "in the can". I've done it. It's been my ONE overriding goal (except... don't die while touring extensively) since March of 2018 - when we got "the green light". So a BIG HUGE thank you goes out to THE TRASH TEAM - Dianne, Danny, Morgan, Andrew, Damyon, William, Allison, Tim, Wes, and Lee - for working so hard to make it happen. It was quite an undertaking to get everything (plus 20 more episodes of STEVE TRASH SAYS - produced by Armosa Studios) all written, financed, covered by insurance, formatted, re-written, covered by contract, approved, science checked, re-written, numbered, planned, 650 visuals purchased, shot, recorded, re-labeled, backed-up, checked, and rechecked, in such a short period of time (all this jammed-in between my constant touring... of course). THANKS TRASH TEAM for working so hard on this project. Your good spirits and willingness to "pitch-in where needed" really really made things better. This particular team gelled extremely well together and made the long days fun and enjoyable. We now take a little "time-off" to enjoy family and friends, and MOST OF ALL... to rest. REST! We'll refill our tanks and then "jump back in" to editing at 4 Mile Post in the next few weeks. I hope you... MY READER FRIENDS... are all pleased with the final product and tune-in on Saturday mornings (or the APT app or Chromecast, AppleTV). We've worked very hard to "get it right"... I'm satisfied that we've done a "good" to "very good" job on this project. I hope to inspire kids to love asking questions... using the scientific method... and develop a passion for the magic and wonder of the world around us. We premiere on Alabama Public Television in June 2019
I was a senior in high school. Life sucked. I didn’t want to be in school. I didn’t want to be in my crappy little hometown. I wanted to be out living a life of adventure and show business. A teacher/counselor pulled me aside and commissioned me (2 study halls, but I HAD to stay in school) to write the Senior Play... I wrote a parody/tribute to Saturday Night Live (called Wednesday Morning Live). It was fun. We closed the entire show with fellow classmates recreating a LIVE version of #BohemianRhapsody music video onstage. Showbiz is my life now. Life does not suck. Here's to you GREAT TEACHERS. Thank you for stepping in... because... here's the deal... Teachers really really matter. So... teachers... don't give up! Your work matters. You are fire starters. You are ember igniters. You may not get to SEE the ember burst into flames, but it happens. It happens thanks to your love, your attention, and your work. #thankyou#gratitude#teacher#queen#bradshawhighschool#florencehighschool#seniorplay#teachersmatter#firestarters #emberigniters
GOT KIDS? Got GRANDKIDS? Well LISTEN UP... All our kids live in a multi-faceted-interconnected-digital-global-world. There's simply no choice. That's just HOW it is. Several episodes of STEVE TRASH SCIENCE (my new kids science show) will be about the science of "the digital world". We'll address how kids can be "safe" in the digital world. We'll address how to be "kind" in the digital world. It's important because... your kids.... your grandkids... live in a digital world. Whether you like it or not, they are digital citizens (if you're reading this... so are you). The rules for safety and kindness and responsibility in this digital world are challenging for us "non-natives" to understand... nonetheless.... in this NEW world, we must be stressing kindness, safety, responsibility and more. How can kids learn to be safe and kind and smart in the digital world? Digitally... of course! Google has created a game that kids can play and it rewards good digital citizenry. We'll be doing several episodes of my APT + PBS TV science show on these themes. Until then... play this game. Share this game with your kids. They'll have fun. You'll have fun. We'll all be better digital citizens. Now... go and be good. Be amazing. Don't be mean.
It's official... We've been trying to keep this project somewhat under wraps for a while (things kept slipping out 'cause I can't keep my mouth shut), but it's now official. Docs are signed. Checks have been cut. Insurance has been purchased. Legal bills have been paid. Here's the official release! Alabama Public Television is excited to partner with Concrete Dream Inc./Steve Trash on a new show for children ages 6-10 that makes science fun. STEVE TRASH SCIENCE (w.t.) will be a weekly 30-minute series airing Saturday mornings on Alabama Public Television beginning in June 2019. Rockin' Eco Hero Steve Trash® has entertained more than 25 million people since 1984. He's appeared on CBS, ESPN, CNBC, HLN, and VH1. Steve travels the world, bringing his unique brand of eco‐magic to theatres, fairs, and festivals in many other countries including Japan, Australia, Canada, Portugal, Spain and the United Arab Emirates. “I’ve known Steve and loved his work for more than 20 years,” says APT’s director of programming and public information, Mike McKenzie. “And Steve, who grew up and lives in Alabama, has been a big fan of Alabama Public Television all his life. Now I’m looking forward to the magic he can bring to children’s television, which is a core part of APT’s mission.” In his magic show, Steve Trash teaches kids about recycling using a combination of fun – and funny – magic routines that engage, entertain, and educate. Essentially, the show is all about environmental science, which the magician has been studying for decades. Steve Trash Science will take this act to television, exploring themes including ecosystems, food chains, soils, weather and climate, solar energy and more. “Steve has already tried his hand at television with a video version of his magic show he produced himself last year, and it’s clear that he engages kids just as well on the screen as he does in his fantastic live performances,” says McKenzie. “His energy and enthusiasm about science is contagious, which is exactly what you want in a teacher. Children will watch this show and be inspired to learn more.” Speaking of teachers, STEVE TRASH SCIENCE will be designed for use in the classroom as well as at home. Programs will be developed to follow school curriculum standards for science, with teachers involved as advisors in the production process. Teachers throughout the state turn to Alabama Public Television’s extensive online resources – including more than 130,000 videos, activities and other materials – to augment their classroom lessons. Online resources including suggested science activities for STEVE TRASH SCIENCE will be available on APT’s website to complement program videos. Like the best public television children’s programs, STEVE TRASH SCIENCE will engage parents as well as children. This is important because it encourages parents to talk with kids about what they’re watching, and possibly reinforce what they’ve learned with reading and other activities. Parents can easily access APT’s online videos and science activities. APT plans to offer STEVE TRASH SCIENCE to public television stations around the country, all of which need strong science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) content for children. More info at ###